So, I have this friend and we like (ok, LOVE) to eat. Together or separately, it doesn't really matter, and then we equally love to relive it all by talking about it. Even when we walk, we often talk about food. Walking is kind of like our own version of therapy for over eaters. Well, we are branching out of our eating world and we are expanding our exercising world - we are going to take a spinning/weight class together! It's hard to imagine, but with each other for support we will manage to make it through with all the Tsawwassen skinnies. Don't get me wrong, it's not that we hate the skinnies, we just don't understand them. For example, we recently went to a movie with a skinny ( a skinny we love dearly) and while the two of us were eating popcorn, our skinny peep didn't even lean over for a whiff! Now, I realize all you readers are thinking... uuummmmmm don't they know that's why she's a skinny and they are not? I am here to tell you... YES WE KNOW THAT! The problem is we still like popcorn more. We are trying to get better at our food intake, but it is a slow battle. So, instead we focus on upping the exercise and therapy time - then we go for lunch (kidding! But we do fantasize about what we would have for lunch if we were to go!). If you see us around, keep encouraging us! We will get there! I know we can do it! I just hope one day we will still love food, be able to "just say NO", and we'll be getting our jollies from a spin class or the eliptical. Or, one day, when we're skinnies too, we'll look back on our fatty days and not even recognize ourselves - "who were those women?" we'll say. And when we're wearing our new kick @$# clothes (great jeans and tshirt) we'll say "hey, we should go for a power walk and then share a nice salad."
WOW - what just happened there? I think I started to hallucinate, or slip into a low blood sugar coma or something. Snap out of it Diane!! You have a very large star chart at work! You are going to have your perfect body one day - star charts never fail!
Well, I guess time will continue to tell. My faithful fatty friend and I will persevere in our quest to whittle our waists and make ourselves healthy and we will put up with the skinnies all the while knowing we will never be one of them. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that your skeleton is larger than many of the skinnies we walk past every day. Oh well, be happy with what you've got right? In the meantime, spinning class... here we come!
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