Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dylan's day at art.

While most 11 year olds were in school today learning how to pick a verb out of a sentence, my 11 year old painted this picture of Pablo Picasso. This painting is his secondary piece that he goes to when he's frustrated with the piece he's really working on. He said he's worked on this for a total of 3 hours. He amazes me. I wish he could see his giftedness.
It's been a really rough road for him over the past month (or two) and he is having a hard time living in himself. We have started a new increase in medication and hopefully that will help him. We are also starting with a new therapist. So many changes - that is never good, but hopefully it will smooth out for the long run.
I'll be back to blogging soon - I have some great stuff mulling around in my head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have missed your thoughts!!