To set the background a bit, Tuesday is a long and busy day for the Pearson family. There is school, art class, work, Shakespeare, the Krahn's, KidzTown, lots of driving and today we added a dentist appointment in for good measure. There was unexpected illness at the Krahn's so Dylan was spending the evening with me at the church. We usually leave the house at about 8:10am and get home close to 10:00pm - that is a typical Tuesday.
When we get home, the boys go straight to their rooms and I take the dog out, put her to bed and I get in bed by the end of the introduction of Without a Trace. We have Tuesday nights down to a science.
As we arrived home tonight, I went to unlock the front door and I looked through the window and noticed that the door from the mud room to the kitchen was open. This was not a good thing - that door stays closed when we are out and keeps Spidey in her room. As the door opens, there is no Spidey there to greet us. No, she is at the opposite end of her room, with her bed (that she moved) and she is lying with her head down. Two steps in to the house answers my questions.
(Have you ever seen the commercial with the dog that goes nuts as soon as the family leaves and the second the dog hears the car back in the driveway, goes straight to her bed and lies down like she's been resting there all day? Are you getting a sense of where this story is going??)
The kitchen is trashed. The garbage can is tipped over and strewn about, cupboards are open and boxes of cereal are shredded on the floor. Laundry has been relocated to each of the rooms down stairs. Three bags of groceries that were left on the floor are now a pile of plastic bags - licked clean. We're talking bread, granola bars, pumpkin seeds, bananas, apples, a grapefruit, and some sour cream 'n onion chips. There are empty juice boxes (with teeth marks in them) lying in little juicy puddles and pencil crayon bits mixed in. To top it all off, she found a roll of toilet paper and shredded it all through the living room. The DVD basket is dumped over and the throw cushions from the couch are not in their proper location. Everything about this house trashing is screaming "doggy attitude". To top it all off, I can smell poop somewhere, but do you think I can find it?!
I should add that while I am surveying the situation, the kids have quietly disappeared to their rooms after saying good bye to Spidey and she has not left her bed since we walked through the door. Apparently EVERYONE in the house knows that when I go silent, it's serious.
I have since taken her outside for one chance to puke, pee and poop and then we walked back in and she went straight to her crate. She didn't even flinch at the treat cupboard (that could be a reflection of knowing how much trouble she is in, or a testament to how she's feeling at the moment.). I said good night and wished her well through the night. Dogs are great pets.
For anyone looking to adopt one, I have a previously used one. She is house trained (98% of the time), easy to feed (she'll eat anything), understands appropriate remorseful behaviour and can be cute on cue. Make me an offer - I am open to negotiating.
Dylan wants to know if Jesus' grace is also for dogs...
How come there is no picture? Sue
I don't have my camera back and Brendan's was at the office - it would have made a great picture!
Just another reason to not get a dog! You always have the most exciting experiences. Glad that today was better...
I could do with less exciting experiences!
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