Saturday, August 7, 2010

A new garden plan.

I think I have a new plan for the garden. I was reading a book today called, "Locavore" - about urban farming in Canada and it was talking about how people are growing vegetables in every available space and it got me thinking. I have flower beds that I am trying to figure out what to do with. Remember how much I don't like gardening? That sentiment applies to my flower beds as well as the vegetable garden. Anyways, I was thinking that I could dig out all the weeds in the flower beds, lay down some garden cloth and put containers on top of that and fill the different containers with soil and then grow my veggies in there. It would eliminate the weeds, use up space that I have, keep things at a manageable level and I wouldn't be at the mercy or the timing of the farmers in the fields. I know I have made my aversion to gardening clear, but I still want to grow my own food. I think this may be the closest I will come.
You know those houses you drive by with all the abandoned old cars, broken bikes, and assorted junk lying all about? I think my farm would end up looking like a tidier version of that. The good thing is that I would be using up all the random plastic boxes, empty rubbermaid boxes and old pails that I have lying around. And, I have just learned that you can plant potatoes in a stack of old tires! We would be like a recycling mecca! I really think I could embrace gardening without having to actually do any gardening.

1 comment:

The 5 W's said...

Hmm! I hate weeds too...heard you could just use newspaper ...cheaper. Have you seen the "creative planter" right outside of VanDussen gardens. Old car parked on the side of the road with a tree and various other flowers planted where the engine should be!