Monday, June 7, 2010

I did it!

Today was the day. The boys had threatened to quit the project. Brendan hid the keys to my mom's car. They even took the phone away. I had to ride my bike to Tsawwassen.
I think I've been scared to do it. What if I couldn't make it? What if it took me 2 hours to get here? (I know it's only 12 kms, but it seems like 200!) What if I fell? Or got a flat tire? Or a rock flew up from a passing truck and hit me in the face? What if I saw someone I knew and they looked like they were thinking discouraging things? I could go on and on, but I'll spare you.
It was a beautiful afternoon to ride - clear skies, no wind, I had done NOTHING all day long, etc...
My meeting started at 7pm, so just to be safe, I left at 5:30pm (don't laugh!). I have to say, it was pretty uneventful. No rocks, I didn't fall over, or get a flat tire and I saw no one that I knew. I rolled in to the parking lot at 6:02pm - not bad. I was so excited that I phoned the kids to tell them - they were not impressed. Talk about not encouraging...
All in all, it's been a good project day. Every one rode the places they were supposed to go, we all ate well and nothing new went in the trash. The boys have been outside since after dinner (although now that I'm at a meeting I bet they are sneaking a movie) and dare I say, we're all even getting along. Yay for us!
Oh wait... I still have to ride back home. Uggghhhhh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Diane! You guys have made so many changes so quickly, so don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure it will gradually become more natural. We've cut back a lot with our clothes dryer and driving... We'll see what's next. Erin