Saturday, June 5, 2010

Being put in my place.

I really thought this whole project would be easier than it is. I think I might have even been smug about it. This week sure ended that though! What a rough start we've had...

1. absolutely horrible weather to be riding in
2. a kid that goes to school 15 kms away and had to cart his music equipment back and forth all week
3. my brother visiting from out of town (did I mention that he likes to eat out a lot?)
4. the farmers are VERY behind on plowing our fields and ALL my plants are desperate for the earth - my goal of feeding my family from our own organic garden is pretty much over
5. there are numerous times that I just simply "forget" what I'm trying to do and down a glass of milk, or blow my nose with kleenex, or buy a pair of shoes (kidding on that one!)
6. especially helpful are people who keep trying to set me up to fail, or flat out sabotage what we're doing because they think it's trivial
7. cranky kids don't always help either

On the encouraging side of things, I love hearing from so many friends how they are making changes in their own homes and thinking twice before buying something. Or the friends who honk and cheer me on while I ride through town. I have really had to readjust my thinking and start to realize that this is a long process. It is a complete shifting of habits, thoughts and a lifestyle. It will take time and I need to learn/practice patience. Maybe that is one of the more important lessons to be learned in all of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember... it's a journey not a destination. I try to look at it like a savings account. Every penny that you add is one more penny than you had before. So instead of beating yourself up each time you're not able to live up to a goal that you've set... try celebrating each accomplishment that you make. Change takes time. Hang in there!