Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our new wheels.

I wanted to start this post with a picture of our new car, but my camera battery is dead and I don't have the patience to wait for it, so you'll have to be happy with my wordy description instead.
Last night we picked up our new (well, to us) car! It is a huge answer to prayer and it has renewed our ability to leave the South Delta area! We are now the proud owners of a 1993 Ford Escort, 2 door, hatchback. It's blue - well, bluey grey actually. According to Brendan, it is "completely vintage" and Dylan's first comments included, "Yay! No leather seats!" My thoughts were, "Thank you God for putting such great friends in my life. Thank you for providing us with a car that works and will get us around. I pray I will use our car for all that you want it used for and I can't wait to see a car seat in the back! We are foster family bound once again!!" (Ok, so my thoughts were more prayer and a little less frivilous than the boys, but they held the same enthusiasm.) This was the biggest blatant answer to prayer - even Brendan recognized it for what it was!!
After my first driving time, I felt like I was back in college! Brendan has visions of roof racks full of snow boards and surf boards and the back with amps and guitars, while Dylan sees the car full of canvases, brushes and paints. I see children, grocery bags, backpacks and a combination of all of the above.
Have I mentioned how fancy our car is? The door panels are all plush and soft, the plastic parts are all shiny from AmourAll and our Incredibles antenna ball is proudly on display (that reminds me that God and good friends are INCREDIBLE!). There is not one piece of garbage inside (I should enjoy that today) and the seats are all cushy in the back. When I was driving home from dropping Brendan at school, I rolled down my window, cranked my radio (yes, radio) and felt a road trip coming on! Maybe we'll go check out the new Eco-Dairy farm in Abbotsford!! :)
If you want me to drive you somewhere, just give me a call...

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