Ok, the kids have been biking everywhere for the past several days, but I had an excuse to not join them (darn it all!) - my helmet was broken beyond repair! However, today was the day and I got a new one. That means no more excuses. I am actually going to have to ride my bike. Everywhere. Who comes up with these dumb projects anyways? Why do I always feel the need to do this stuff? I really need to just give it a rest and ignore all the little voices in my head. (Stop laughing! Yes, there are voices in my head.) My kids must hate me. I come up with these crazy ideas and then drag them through from beginning to end, in my own quest for some excitement. They are probably normal, everyday kids, quite content to just cruise through life. Oh well! So sad, too bad! Anyways, my new helmet is bright blue (that's so you can identify me on the road and wave encouragingly to me when you SLOWLY pass me in your car.) and I think I'm going to put some stickers on it - or maybe some reflective tape!
Are we a bunch of geeks, or what??
Looks like you're stylin' to me! Just saw your post over on No Impact Man and wanted to offer a voice of encouragement for your unplugged project. You can do it!!!
Yours in Frugal Green-ness,
Rebecca The Greeniac
Thanks for the encouragement Rebecca! Glad to see you're going to follow along with our adventures!
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