Monday, March 1, 2010

Is it Monday already?

I don't think I'm ready to come back yet. I got sidetracked with my moping by the Olympics and the hockey game. Actually, I feel cheated out of a day of miserableness. All that happiness and excitement distracted me.

In an effort to spread my "happiness" around, I told the kids that as of Friday we aren't leaving the house for the whole 2 weeks of Spring Break, or until every floor is cleaned and people are sleeping in their appropriate locations. We'll see how that turns out.

In an effort to stay true to my declaration of solving my problems on Monday, I made a list of all the problem areas and numbered them in order of priority. It's a good thing I'm good at math and know how to count really, really high. Being that most of it is unsolvable by me, I prayed over the list, taped the pages to the wall and walked away.
I am stuck in a problem rut. I need to change things up and look at things from a different direction, so I'm going to take my list and tell myself what to do, just like I'd tell some other parent what to do. Yes... I am going to talk to myself. I'll let you know what I say to myself and how I respond tomorrow.

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