Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is this week almost over?

I did my first bone headed driving maneuver, ever. AND, I broke my van. It's hard to explain what happened, because I don't know what to call the thing I hit/ran over. At work there is a piece of cement that borders the parking area and a garden and it sticks out farther than you think it does. Everyone knows it's there and everyone knows to watch for it if you are parking in that space. I, however, was not parked in that space, I was just turning to get out of the way of a truck and I ran over the edge of it. There was a very large bang and then a long hisssssssing while the air left my tire. The side of the van was up on the cement, my tire was flat and the rim was bent. I gave my head a shake as I got out of the van to inspect the extent of the damage and took a moment to absorb it all. It was just that kind of week. Anyways, I called BCAA and they came, hoisted the van up and towed it up the street to the shop. A while later the call came... good news, the tire didn't blow, I wasn't going to need a new one. But, the front end is shot. Oy.
Can't talk about this anymore, it's making me feel sick.
Today I got to spend a few hours at VGH having a bunch of testing done on my ears and brain. Good times! You will all be pleased to know that I passed the brain stem function test with flying colours! I was told that my hearing is bad, but not bad enough for a hearing aid - the nice lady said to give it about 10 years. In the meantime I would like ask you all to stop mumbling.
I also had a test to determine how my balance center in each ear was functioning. For this test they sit you in a chair and tip you back, put goggles on your eyes with cameras in them and then stick a tube in your ear that is hooked up to a hose that's hooked up to the sink faucet. A little beep goes and then hot water rushes in to your ear and travels to your inner ear for about 45 seconds. At about 20 seconds, things start to spin, at 30 seconds you've had enough and at 45 seconds you are praying you don't puke while you're tipped backwards in the chair. More good times. I didn't really learn anything - I have to wait 10-14 days and go back to the specialist.
My headache is starting to get to me and it's time to start rounding up boys to go to bed, so I can be all snuggled in my bed in time for Grey's Anatomy. I love Thursday nights - even the Thursday nights that happen during a sucky week.

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